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Data analysis begins with raw data from a source, such as a database or text file, and applies operations that highlight trends and variability. For example, if you have a table of 1,000 customers, each listed with the amount they spent with your company in one year, it is difficult to draw conclusions by examining the raw data. By calculating an average spend, you can immediately determine which customers spend a lot and which ones spend little. If you know the country each customer lives in, you can identify where customers are prepared to spend a lot on your products. Classical Excel Formulas allow users to analyse data using functions to perform calculations. Excel however has more advanced features that help in analyzing data from different sources to create meaningful reports that can give the business insight. The Pivot Table is very versatile and is one the most powerful tools that allows the user to "crunch" large amounts of data to derive meaning. By "pivoting" raw data one can simplify complex and copius amounts of information.

Altron Bytes People Solutions has created a number of 45 minute workshops to help you improve your skills.


2016/2019 Pivotables - Bundle

This bundle consists of the following modules:

2016 / 2019 Analyze data using PivotTables
2016 / 2019 Additional PivotTable features
2016 / 2019 Create standard dashboards using PivotTables
2016 / 2019 Use formulas and PivotTables together


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